Scientific publications of Rakovski Defence Academy to be included in our database

Our partner Procon and "G.S.Rakovski" National Defence Academy in Sofia (known in English also as 'Defence and Staff College') signed an agreement that provides for inclusion of Rakovski's publications in our database on security, technologies, and the interaction among them. Procon will assign DOIs to such publications and will include them in CrossRef. Among these publications are: Military Journal (Voenen Jurnal) - the top Bulgarian professional and theoretical journal on military, defence and security issues, published since 1888 Annual Proceedings of the Defence Academy Proceedings of conferences of the National Defence Academy, its faculties, and the Defence Advanced Research Institute Books, monographic studies, and textbooks. We will start with covering the most recent issues of Military Journal, and with time will include back issues of all electronically available publications of the academy.
Start date: 
вторник, Септември 23, 2014 to сряда, Септември 23, 2015
Последно обновяване: вторник, 23 Септември 2014